Občina Ptuj: Festival sprehodov I Festival of walks

Naziv lokacije: Visit Maribor
Naslov: Partizanska cesta 6a, 2000 Maribor
Pričetek: 21.03.2018 17:00 do 24.03.2018 19:00
Kategorija: Prireditve
Kontakt: Visit Maribor
Všečkaj in deli

FESTIVAL SPREHODOV (21. marec – 24. marec 2018) Maribor včasih nekoliko sramežljivo skriva svoje zgodbe, prostore, ljudi in svojo kulturno dediščino. Na Festivalu sprehodov bomo premagali sramežljivost in vas povabili na doživetja, ki vam jih pripravljamo skupaj z Zavodom za turizem Maribor – Pohorje, posamezniki, gostinci, organizacijami in ostalimi akterji v mestu. V treh dneh zgoščenega programa vam bomo predstavili aktualno ponudbo kar 28 sprehodov in doživetij mesta, raziskovali stanje kulturnega turizma in dediščine v mestu v sklopu pogovorov ter povezali razpršene glave mesta v velike mestne “možgane” s pomočjo hekatona na temo “Lov na Kulturno dediščino mesta”. Slednja bo omogočila skupno razvijanje in zasnovo ideje udeležencem, ki prihajajo iz najrazličnejših strok in sektorjev ter tako zagotavljajo kvaliteto rezultata. Pridružite se nam in doživite Maribor, podajte se v odkrivanje njegove zgodovine, razvajate svoje brbončice s tradicionalnimi okusi, spoznajte bogato kulturno dediščino ali njegovo mlado, razigrano in kreativno urbano stran. Popeljali vas bomo skozi stranske ulice Maribora, v njegovo podzemlje ali pa na strehe hiš in vam predstavili Maribor, kot ga vidimo mi. --- ENG --- FESTIVAL OF WALKS (21. March – 24. March 2018) Maribor is sometimes a little shy and hides its stories, places, people and its cultural heritage. We will overcome the shyness with the Festival of walks and invite you to the experiences we are preparing together with Maribor - Pohorje Tourist Board and other actors in the city. In the three days of the condensed program, we will present the current offer of 28 walks and experiences of the city, through panel discussions explore the state of cultural tourism and cultural heritage in the city, and connect the scattered heads of the city in one big city "brain" with the help of a hackathon on the theme "Hunting for the Cultural Heritage of the Town". The latter will enable the joint development and design of the idea with participants coming from a wide range of disciplines and sectors, thus ensuring the quality of the result. The festival will be enriched with the creative hackathon on the theme "The hunt for the cultural heritage of the city", which will enable the joint development and design of the idea for invited and registered participants coming from a wide variety of professions and sectors, thus ensuring the quality of the result. Join us and experience Maribor, discover its history, pamper your taste buds with traditional flavors, learn about the rich cultural heritage of the city or its young, playful and creative urban side. We will take you on a journey through the side streets of Maribor, dive into the underground or ascend to the rooftops of Maribor and introduce it to you, as we see it.

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