Občina Ptuj: Nemčevanje – Learning German Trough Action

Naziv lokacije: Ziferblat Ljubljana
Naslov: Vegova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana
Pričetek: 17.03.2018 10:30 do 11:30
Kategorija: Prireditve
Kontakt: Ziferblat Ljubljana
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NEMČEVANJE – UČENJE NEMŠČINE Z DRAMSKO IGRO Na delavnicah Octopus se boste naučili nemščine na igriv način. In to dobesedno. Učenje tujega jezika in dramska igra imata veliko skupnega. V obeh primerih smo postavljeni v drug kontekst. Pri dramski igri so to (ne)običajne situacije, pri učenju tujega jezika pa se prestavimo v drugo kulturo. V obeh primerih pride do karnevalizacije. In tako zabava res ne more biti daleč. Delavnica nemščine je namenjena tako začetnikom kot nadaljevalcem nemškega jezika, odraslim in njihovim otrokom. Se vidimo 17. marca. Ziferblat je prostor za druženje, kjer se plačuje čas. Velja, da je ena minuta = 6 centov. Za študente in dijake je 1 minuta = 5 cente. Ker ne bi radi, da se vam mudi in si želimo, da si vzamete čas, bomo ure ustavili po 60 minutah. *** NEMČEVANJE – LEARNING GERMAN TROUGH ACTING Octopus provides workshops where we learn German by acting. Learning a foreign language and acting share a common ground by default. In both cases we are put in a different point of view in different surroundings. With acting we have a situation, a set; where we play; while with a foreign language we are put in an unknown cultural situation; where we play. In both cases we have to transcend our minds in a different culture of being. Hence the carnevalisation begins; where fun is never far away. German language workshop welcomes everybody; from beginners to those who have good working German knowledge, and adults, children. See you on March 17. Ziferblat is a place for socialising where you pay for time. Students are 5 cents per minute, non-students are 6 cents. Because we don’t want you to hurry, clocks for this event will stop after 60 mins.

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