Občina Ptuj: Upogib / Tordre

Naziv lokacije: Španski borci - Center kulture v Mostah
Naslov: Zaloška 61 (pri tržnici Moste), 1110 Ljubljana
Pričetek: 15.11.2017 20:00 do 21:10
Kategorija: Prireditve
Kontakt: Španski borci - Center kulture v Mostah
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Pred seboj imamo predstavo samo, imamo pa tudi to, kar se dogaja v zaodrju. Imamo oster snop svetlobe in hkrati pritajeno svetlobo vse naokoli. Imamo stran A in stran B. Imamo gibanje, kot del koreografije, vendar imamo tud gibanje, ki ga koreografija ne predvideva pa vseeno tvori predstavo. Predstava UPOGIB se precej hudomušno začne z glasbo iz ameriškega glasbenega filma Williama Wylerja, Funny girl. Dve plesalki privihrata na oder in nas s tem, ko spominjata na mnoga čudovita arhetipska telesa Broadwayskih fantazij, do srca nasmejita. V nadaljevanju pa beremo intimnejšo in bolj ranljivo gibalno pripoved, ki naš UPOGIB postavi v drugo polje. To je zgodba dveh plesalk, ki sta dolga leta tesno sodelovali s koreografom Rachidom Ouramdanom v številnih projektih. (Eve Beauvallet) Koncept in koreografija: Rachid Ouramdane Plesalki: Annie Hanauer, Lora Juodkaite Svetlobno oblikovanje: Stéphane Graillot Scenografija: Sylvain Giraudeau Vodja tehnike: Laurent Lechenault Luč: Stéphane Graillot Zvok: Antoine Strippoli Prevod: Nina Smerkol Izvršna produkcija: CCN2 - Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble Koprodukcija: L’A./Rachid Ouramdane, Bonlieu – (Scène nationale d’Annecy), la Bâtie (Festival de Genève) Produkcija gostovanja: Zavod EN-KNAP CCN2 finančno podpirajo: Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Ministrstvo za kulturo in komunikacijo, Grenoble-Alpes Metropolis, Département de l’Isère in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region V sodelovanju in s podporo Francoskega inštituta v Sloveniji. S podporo Teatroskop, kot del FranceDanse Orient-Express. Teatroskop je program, ki ga izvaja Francoski inštitut, francosko ministrstvo za kulturo in francosko ministrstvo za Evropo in zunanje zadeve. Sponzor predstave je Trèves, tovarna notranje opreme za vozila, d.o.o. Predstava UPOGIB gostuje v okviru mednarodnega programa Uvoz-Izvoz Zavoda EN-KNAP, ki v Španske borce kontinuirano prinaša vrhunsko mednarodno produkcijo sodobnega plesa in sodobnih uprizoritvenih umetnosti. ------------------------------------------------------------------- There’s the show itself and then there’s what goes on behind the scenes. There’s the light from the spots and the half-light all around it. Side A and side B. There are the movements, not just those that a dancer performs but also all those underlying the performance. TORDRE opens rather mischievously with the music from Funny Girl, William Wyler’s American musical film. Two dancers come charging onto the stage and, as they do so, we smile at the sweeping body beautiful archetypes which lay behind so many of Broadway’s fantasies. This sets up the titular twist as we embark upon another, more intimate and more fragile, body story. This is the story of two performers who have been closely involved with Rachid Ouramdane’s work for a number of years (the first of them danced in Des Témoins Ordinaires, Sfumato and Tenir le Temps, the second in Looking Back, Sfumato and Tenir le Temps). (Eve Beauvallet) Concept and choreography: Rachid Ouramdane Dancers: Annie Hanauer, Lora Juodkaite Light design: Stéphane Graillot Set design: Sylvain Giraudeau Head of Stage: Laurent Lechenault Head of Lighting: Stéphane Graillot Head of Sound: Antoine Strippoli Translation: Nina Smerkol Executive production: CCN2 - Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble Co-production: L’A./Rachid Ouramdane, Bonlieu – (Scène nationale d’Annecy), la Bâtie (Festival de Genève) Touring production: EN-KNAP Productions The CCN2 is subsidised by the Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes/Ministère de la culture et de la communication, by the Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, by the Département de l’Isère, by the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes With cooperation and support of French Institute in Slovenia. With the support of Teatroskop, as part of FranceDanse Orient-Express. Teatroskop is a program run by the French Institute, the French Ministry of Culture and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Official sponsor of the performance is Trèves, tovarna notranje opreme za vozila, d.o.o. Within Import-Export International Programme by EN-KNAP Productions that continuously brings acclaimed contemporary dance and performing arts productions to Španski Borci.

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